
Zaatar Cheeze

Ok so today i had a feel of being a lebanese baker😂 made 3 types of manakeesh or lebanese naan in simple words . There are a 100 combinations you can make with manakesh like the 3 ive made , plain zaatar , garlic cheese , labneh(greek yogurt), cheeze chilli , laham (mutton mince) etc etc . Here ill teach you the basics so u can experiment any kind u want .
For the dough …. knead 2 cups of maida with 1 tbsp sugar , 1 tbsp yeast , salt and lukewarm water. Lastly apply little olive oil and cover and keep for 2 hrs or till double…
For the chicken .. marinate 200 gm chicken cubes with juice of half lime 1 tsp garlic paste , 1 tbsp red chilli sauce , half tsp white pepper powder, salt and half tsp chilli flakes . Cook in a pan till done.

To prepare …..roll a small ball of dough with help of maida to a slightly thick roti. Put it on a hot tava and let small bubbles appear and let the bottom turn slight golden.
Remove in a plate and put a generous amount of mozzerella cheeze and sprinkle zaatar mix or chicken or your choice of topping. Grill in oven till slight golden .fold into half and Serve hot immidiately .(set the oven to bake on the top only and put the tray on the top most rack … bake at 220 degree or the higest temp of ur oven)

For the stuffed cheeze zaatar….. for the ones who love the cheeze zaatar naan from carters blue are gonna love this (n the owners of carters blue might just kill me🤣)
Roll the dough into a small circle and in the centre put grated mozzerella cheese n about 1 tbsp mayo . Close from the sides and roll again(like we do for a paratha) with very light hands . Place this on a hot tava and let it turn slightly golden from the bottom. Remove in a plate and apply a mix of 2 tbsp olive oil mixed with a tsp of zaatar mix. Bake in oven from the top till slight golden . Cut into strips and serve immediately as it is or with hummus.

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