Virgin Mojito / Cranberry Mojito

This is a really quick drink to make along with some fast food or when guests arrive.
For this recipe I would suggest u to use lime and mint mojito by manama brand . There are many flavors in mojito and I have tried almost all and all are tasty but lime and mint is the one we mostly get outside also .
Here is the recipe if u want to make a single glass or a few glasses . What I do when I have a daawat is that I take a huge vessel and make in that and then fill glasses to serve immediately.
For 1 big glass …. in a glass put 2 tbsp of mojito syrup (if u don’t have then just make sugar syrup and use but this syrup makes it more tasty)
Add 6-8 mint leaves and 3 thin slices of lime . Crush well with a spoon to release the juices from lime n mint . Add Sprite or soda just b4 serving and give a slight stir ( add half tbsp extra syrup if ur using soda)
For cranberry mojito .. many of u must have had this at Carter’s blue or any other restaurant . For this you need raspberry mojito flavour of manama brand .
In a big glass put 1.5 tbsp of raspberry mojito syrup , 8-10 mint leaves and 3 slices of lime , crush well with a spoon and fill half the glass with cranberry juice (real or Tropicana brand) give a slight stir and slowly pour Sprite from the side of the glass (this helps the 2 layers from mixing completely) put a straw and serve without mixing. Mix with your straw b4 drinking .
For this also if u have a daawat just mix everything in a big vessel and serve in glasses.