Veg Cheese Grilled Sandwiches

Im sure this is sabka favorite sandwich . I normally make it in triangular bread , but it got over in the bakery so had to go for square bread.
Preparations…. boil half kg potatoes with salt , let cool , peel it and keep aside, peel and slice 2 cucumbers , slice 4 tomatoes , slice 1 capsicum and keep aside.
Make green chutney , grind a bundle of coriander , half small capcicum , 6 green chillies , 6 cloves of garlic , 2 tbsp dahi , half onion , salt , juice of 1 lime . Grind everything well to a fine paste.
Assembling, on the first bread apply butter and chutney , grate a nice layer of boiled potatoes , grate some cheese on top , sprinkle salt , pepper and chaat masala (I’ve used shahi chatkhara from @shahi_garam.masala) put the 2nd slice of bread on top , and apply butter and chutney , spread sliced veggies and grate some cheese on top, sprinkle again with chaatmasala salt n pepper . Cover with third slice of bread applied with butter n chutney. Apply more butter on top and grill in pan or sandwich grill . Serve hot with ketchup and extra green chutney