Shezwan Chutney / Sauce
Take 100 gms of whole Kashmiri red chilli , 100 hm of whole spicy red chilli , and boil with little water , salt and 1 tbsp vinager , just boil for 2 mins . Let cool and grind to a fine paste.
In a kadhai heat 2 cups oil ( more oil makes the chutney stay for longer) and fry 250 gms of chopped garlic , 4 tbsp chopped ginger , 6 tbsp chopped celery ( if not available u can use the coriander stems .. kothmir ki dandi) and fry well till nicely fragrant . Add the red chilli paste and saute for 3-4 more mins , add 2 cups of tomato ketchup , half cup red chilli sauce , half cup green chilli sauce , 4 tbsp soya sauce , 3 tbsp vinager, 4 tbsp sugar , 2 tsp white pepper powder, pinch of red colour and salt . Cook for another 2-3 mins and let cool . Fill in jars and keep in fridge for 6 months . Just make sure not to use any used or dirty spoon while taking the chutney.