
Pure Nutella Cake

Ps. I haven’t learnt professional baking so do not have much finishing in my cake work . But taste wise ur gonna love me more after trying this.
A must try for all u nutella lovers , ive overloaded the cake with nutella from top , if u wish u  can add less to make the exact dripping effect like we get outside .
This makes a cake weighing over 1.5 kg.

Firstly separate 5 egg yolks from the whites . Make sure no yolk has broken in the white or it will not get fluffy.
In a big bowl ( make sure its dry ) put the egg white and beat well for a minute , add 2 tbsp castor sugar and beat for 2 more min , and 2 tbsp sugar and beat again for 2 mins ( repeat this process 2 more times , that is a total of 8 tbsp sugar) beat till stiff peaks. Now with very light hands mix in with a whisk or spatula the egg yolks , 6tbsp maida , 2 tbsp cocoa powder, 5 tbsp oil and 5 tbsp milk , and 1 tsp vanilla essence . Bake in a greased tray ( grease with butter and coat with maida ) in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 min or check with a toothpick to see if its done .
You can also cover and cook on a tava on low heat for the same time , keep checking after 10-12 mins.
Let cool and keep aside.
To make ganache …. chop 500 gms of dark chocolate compound and pour 250 ml of hot amul cream on top. Let it set for a few seconds and mix well until combined . Let cool at room temperature for 3 hrs
Once your sponge is cool slice it into 3 layers . On each layer spray or drizzle some water , and spread a generous layer of nutella ( you will need an entire 750 gm jar for this recipe) and put the second layer of cake on top and repeat the same process . On the third layer just drizzle water and spread the chocolate ganache on  all sides. Keep the cake in the fridge for half hour and then pour the remaining nutella on top . Drizzle with some chocolate ganache and keep in  fridge for 4 hrs . Remove from fridge and eat after 1 hour.

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