Pink Lady

One more quick drink recipe up for u guys .
I’m not sharing basic milkshakes as I guess all of us know the simple method of grinding fruit , milk , ice , sugar , cream/icecream . There are uncountable milkshakes u can make like mango, banana , strawberry , melon , chikoo , anjeer , tendercoconut etc. That’s y I’m only sharing drinks that I always make but might be new to u guys . I have already shared virgin mojito, cranberry mojito , strawberry punch, pina colada , mix fruit smoothie , and Starbucks caramel java chip frappuccino.

To make 4 glasses of pink lady drink …. simply grind 2 bananas , half cup strawberry crush (if u have fresh strawberries use half cup fresh strawberry and 4 tbsp crush) , 2 tbsp sugar (skip sugar if u don’t like very sweet) 2 glasses of milk, half cup cream and some ice . Grind everything well and serve immediately in tall glasses , drizzle with some cream and strawberry crush.

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