Mutton / Chicken Pattice
This is a fried starter made at evry memons house but I slightly different fillings. For the ones new to the word pattice I guess it’s a memonised word for Pattie lol . These are mince stuffed potato starters .
For the stuffing … in a kadhai put 250gm of chicken/ mutton mince , half tbsp ginger paste , 1 tbsp garlic paste , salt and half tsp black pepper powder. Cook well till dry . Let cool and mix in 5-6 chopped green chillies (if u don’t like chopped then u can add paste in the start while cooking) a cup of chopped spring onion and lots of chopped coriander and mint and juice of 1 lime. Mix well
Mash 500 gm boiled potatoes and mix in salt and half tsp white pepper powder .
To make the pattice grease ur hands with oil and take a ball of mashed potato , flatten it on your palm to make a big flat circle . Put a spoon of filling in the centre and close from the sides to cover completely . Slightly flatten and shape with fingers from the sides to give a finished look . ( I seriously wish I could give a pictorial for this but a bit busy so I’m not able to cook and click . This was the best I could explain) Roll the pattice in bread crumbs and dip in beaten egg and fry till golden. Serve hot with ketchup or green chutney
You can freeze the pattice for long . Freeze after rolling in crumbs.