Mix Fruit Tart

This is a beautiful looking Dessert that is surely going to impress your loved ones . It’s such an indulgence. ( you can even make this is normal tart shells h
For the tart . …. in a processer or chopper or grinder (I prefer using processor as it helps mix the entire batch at once easily ) put 200 gms of maida , 4 tbsp powdered sugar , pinch of salt , 100 gms unsalted butter chopped . Pulse for few seconds till you get nice crumbs like texture . Then add 2 tbsp cold milk and pulse again for few seconds to form a dough . Pack the dough in cling film and keep in fridge for half hour .
Take a small ball of dough and roll into a thick chapati with help of some maida. Poke around with a fork .Then cut into a big fat ring with help of a big bowl and a small glass . bake in oven at 180 degree for about 10 min or till golden.
Remove from the mould and let cool. ( You can prepare these a few hours in advance or even a day in advance if you are preparing for a daawat)
For the custard filling ….. prepare custard … heat 500 ml milk and bring to boil , add half cup sugar and cook , add slurry of 3 tbsp custard powder mixed in half cup water and cook till thick. Let cool and mix in 2 cups of whipped cream. Keep in fridge.
Now with help of a piping bag . Pipe dollops all around the ring .
Place another tart ring on top and repeat. Decorate with your choice of fruits ( mango , orange , pineapple, apple , pomegranate ) ( I would also recommend using kiwi and strawberry, also you can make These with fresh berries )
Then finally drizzle some strawberry crush and serve.