
Chocolate Ganache

This is a really quick frosting for cakes , cupcake and desserts.
In a bowl cut 400 gms of dark chocolate and keep aside.
In a vessel heat 400 gms or 2 small box of amul cream. Just heat till the cream starts boiling from the sides . Pour the cream on the chopped chocolate and let rest for 2 mins. Then mix well till all the chocolate and cream is well combined.
Your ganache is ready . You can store in glass jar at  room temperature for 2 days or a week in the fridge.
Ps. Many people make many different proportion of cream n chocolate .. some use double the chocolate some use 1.5 , some use more cream than the chocolate.. but I always use same quantity of cream n chocolate .. it works out best for me.
You can use this for frosting cakes , cupcake , donut , as a chocolate sandwich spread . Or  just keep in a glass jar and eat a spoon to fulfil your chocolate cravings❤

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