Chicken Pepper Steak Sizzler With Herb Rice And Garlic Wedges

I love sizzlers and always make using my chinese recipes like shezwan , burnt garlic , basil chicken etc . But this one is my faveee among all . The chicken recipe is inspired by sanjeev kapoor so will bot take full credits for this but as usual i have given the nazias twist to the recipe . Have also used my garlic wedges recipe (posted b4) in place of fries . U can use fries if u wish .

For the chicken … marinate 500 gm chicken cut into thin slabs with , 1 tbsp chopped garlic , 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce , 1 tbsp pepper sauce , 2 tbsp red chilli sauce , half tsp white pepper powder, half tsp black pepper powder, half tsp chilli flakes , half tsp each of mix herbs , oregano and parsley …salt to taste mix well and let marinate for half hour . Grill the chicken with some oil on high heat just for few sec to give colour . Remove chicken and wrap in foil and grill in oven at 200° for 20 min . Remove the foil and one again slightly grill the chicken for colour… and keep the juice released from the chicken seperately .
For the sauce… in a pan heat 2 tbsp heaped butter , add 1 tbsp heaped maida and saute well , add the juice of the chicken and stir well till no lumps remain , add 2 tbsp red chilli sauce , 1 tbsp soya sauce , salt , half tsp white pepper powder and cook till slight thick . Add water if needed. Keep aside
For the herb rice … boil 1 cup basmati rice woth salt , strain and keep aside , in a wok heat a mix of olive and regular oil , add 1 tbsp chopped garlic , 1 tsp red chilli flakes , lots of chopped coriander and mint and half tsp each of oregano, mix herbs , parsley . Saute well and then saute the boiled rice for and min . Ur herb rice is ready .

For sauteed veg … in a kadhai heat little olive oil , add 1 half tbsp chooped garlic , half tsp white pepper powder and add 1 carrot cut to fingers , 12-15 fench beans cut to finger , 4 baby corns cut to half inch pcs, 5-6 mushrooms cut to 4 pcs and some broccoli cut to florets (you can add ur choice of veg )

Saute well and cover and cook till veg are cooked . (I cook the veg slightly more as i dont like the raw crunchy taste . U can cook as u like)
Heat the sizzler plate or iron tava if u dont have sizzler plate for 10 min … put cabbae slice so that the food doesnt burn … place wedges or fries , rice, veg all side by side then put grilled chicken on top , place the plate carefully on the wooden stand and pour the sauce on top . Serve immediately. 😋