Caramel Popcorn
This is a snack people enjoy at cinemas . After this recipe you can enjoy at home too!!
Firstly pop a cup of popcorn and keep aside… the secret to making perfect popcorn is … in a vessel put little oil and add popcorn kernels , mix well and cover the vessel with a lid and keep an inch of space open for air. Cook on medium low heat till the time you hear the popping sound. Don’t move the vessel ( many people move the vessel to toss the popcorn . But I feel it leaves many unpopped kernels behind) just switch off the heat when you can hardly hear any popping. Your popcorn is ready to go towards the caramel crunch process.
To make the caramel in a vessel heat half cup of sugar with 2 tbsp water , cook on low heat and do not stir until it starts turning golden from sides . Take a wooden spoon and keep stirring till you get a nice dark golden colour. Switch off heat and immediately mix a pinch of salt, a tbsp of butter and about 2-3 pinches of baking soda. Stir well and pour in a thin strand on the popcorn and mix well with the wooden spoon . Wait for 5 mins for the caramel to harden . You can now enjoy your caramel popcorn watching your fave tv show