

Who doesn’t love baklawa , do y not make it at home when its so easy with just a few ingredients .

You need baklawa sheet or filo sheet for this, any other substitute like samosa or spring roll sheet will not work.

Firstly prepare sugar syrup with 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water . Cook it for 5-7 minutes.

In a pan melt 200 gms of butter and half cup of oil on low heat , switch of heat once melted , we dont want the butter to burn. Keep aside.

Chop a fist each of cashew , almond , walnut and pistachios, ( i have used a mix u can use ur choice or even just pistachios) also ive simply chopperised it in my processor.

Cut your filo sheets to the size of your tray . ( we will use the extra filo that is cut off in between , nothing will be wasted)
Start by brushing the tray with the melted butter , put 1 layer of filo , brush butter again generously and repeat the process with 8-9 sheets ( use all the leftover filo also ) sprinkle the chopped nuts and follow the same process again with 8-9 sheetsby layering filo sheet and applying butter . ( u can use upto 15 sheets above n 15 sheets below , but i like using 9)
Cut into diamond shape and brush butter generously , specially between the cuts . Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for around 45 minutes or till golden . Remove from the oven and immidiately pour sugar syrup as much as u need . Let it rest for sometime ( i prefer eating after 10 mins garma garam , u can also let the syrup absorb well and eat after an hour)
That’s itttt yummy baklava ready to serve.

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