

One more winter special recipe guys . For the ones who don’t know aatha is kind of a dry fruit barfi kind. Made with loads of dryfruit ,healthy flours and Desi ghee and gudh. Mostly made for women after delivery . This is really healthy and gives one lots of strength . My favourite in winters and I could eat it all year long the entire day if it wasn’t so fattening🙈so let’s learn how to make aatha.

Ps. This is a large quantity you can make 1/4th If ur trying for the first time.

Prepare all your dryfuits and put in a big bowl… we need 250 gm sliced almonds, 250 gm sliced kaju , 250 gm sliced pista ,150 gm  chopped aakhrot , 250 gm charoli , 250 gm kishmish , 250 gm grated dry coconut ( we want the dry coconut not khamand or desicated coconut) keep all this aside in a big vessel and keep adding other ingredients after each step.  fry 250 gms makhana in Desi ghee till golden and crush well .
Fry 150 gms of goondh till golden and crush well.

We need total of 3 kg of ghee for this recipe. Yes no mistake in typeing🙈 heat little ghee at a time to fry small batches of the goondh and makhana.

Heat more ghee and roast 1 kg of wheat flour till it slightly changes colour and you get a nice roasted smell keep aside
Do the same with 500 gms singoda aata (this is really good to strenghten your back and bones)

Repeat the same with 500 gm rava
Now in a big vessel heat the remaining ghee and 2.5 kg of gudh chopped(white or light golden one is preferable)

Keep stirring and cook till the ghee melts (don’t cook for long or the aatha will turn hard )
Once the gudh is nicely melted add 1 small tea cup of milk and switch off the heat and mix well .
Add all the ingredients we have prepared before . You can even add elaichi powder if you wish .
Mix well till everything is well encorperated ( mixing this needs a lot of strength you might need help to mix )
Now divide the aatha in 3-4 thaals greased with ghee.. making 2 inch thick layer. Flatten the top using a small vessel or back of a glass.
Make cuts and sprinkle some sliced dryfruit on top let cool and let set.

Making cuts before it sets is important as the aatha will harden and break if you try and cut later)
Remove the pcs of aatha about 2 hrs later using a spatula (tavitha) and store in airtight boxes for about 2 months.

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