
Dry Fruit Cake / Cupcakes

This is suchhhh an easy recipe that u r not going to stop making once u eat it . This makes 3 cakes of 6 inch or around 30 cupcakes . Or you can even make it in a big 9×13 inch tray .

All u have to do is first mix together 300 gm unsalted butter ( 1 + 1/4th cup ) and powdered sugar 300 gm ( 1 + 1/2 cup ) . Mix it well with a spatula and then beat till color lightens and mix becomes fluffy . Then beat in 6 eggs one at a time and keep beating till well mixed . Then beat in 2 tsp vanilla essence and 1 tsp baking powder.
Finally beat in 300 gm seived Maida (2+1/2 cup) in 3 parts and keep beating till well mixed . Finally mix with a spatula to make sure everything is well combined .
Ps u can also add 1 tsp elaichi powder to the batter to make elaichi flavoured cake and also you can follow the same recipe for plain cake . Same recipe will be followed for lemon cake . Just that u will put lemon essence instead of vanilla )

Now if you’re making in 6 inch moulds then grease the mould with butter and dust Maida . Add enough batter to fill halfway and sprinkle nuts as needed . Bake in preheated oven at 180degrees for 25 mins . Check with a toothpick . Demould and enjoy

If making in cupcake tray , put liners in the tray and fill 1 tbsp batter in each liner . Sprinkle nuts and bake for around 12-15 mins at 180 degrees in preheated oven

If you want to make muffins . Then use ready to bake muffin liners and bake 15-20 mins at the same temperature ( time will depend on the size of ur muffin liner)

Bas that’s it enjoy and don’t forget to tag on ur story me when u make 😘

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