
Rocket Kababs

Another delicious  recipe u guys will love in sha Allah  in Ramadan.
Firstly  cook  500 gms of chicken  with 1.5 cups of water , salt, 2 tbsp garlic paste , half tbsp ginger paste . Cook till done and keep the stock aside . Shread the chicken  and keep aside as well.
In a kadhai heat 4 tbsp butter , and fry 2 medium chopped  onions slightly  for a minute  , add 1 big chopped  capsicum,  1 cup corn , 6 tbsp maida and cook for a minute  , add the chicken  stock , half cup milk , salt ,1 tsp white pepper  powder  , half tsp oregano, 1 tsp red chilli  flakes. And cook well till a dough like texture  is formed. Switch of heat and let it cool . Then mix in shredded chicken  , 3-4 chopped green chillies  , some chopped  coriander  , half cup of grated  mozzarella  cheese . And mix well . Keep in the fridge for 1 hour . Grease your hands with oil and shape the kababs in triangular shape . Dip in medium thick maida slurry , coat with fresh bread  crumbs  or panko and fry on medium high  heat  till  golden and crisp.

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