Chocolate/ Mango Tart

The same recipe can be used to make 3 kinds of tart , chocolate tart… using chocolate filling and grated chocolate , chocolate mango tart …. using chocolate filling and mango slices , mango tart … using whip cream as filling and mango slices on top .
So what r u waiting for , get cooking ur fave tart.

For the tart . …. in a processer or chopper or grinder (I prefer using processor as it helps mix the entire batch at once easily ) put 200 gms of maida , 4 tbsp powdered sugar , pinch of salt , 100 gms unsalted butter chopped . Pulse for few seconds till you get nice crumbs like texture . Then  add 2 tbsp cold milk and pulse again for few seconds to form a dough . Pack the dough in cling film and keep in fridge for half hour .
Take a small ball of dough and roll into a thick chapati with help of some maida. Put this on the tart mould ( use the ones in which you can remove the bottom) press well so that the dough fits the mould well . Remove any excess dough from the sides .. poke with a fork all around and bake in oven at 180 degree for about 10 min or till golden.
Remove from the mould and let cool. ( You can prepare these a few hours in advance or even a day in advance if you are preparing for a daawat)
For chocolate filling .. In a vessel put half ltr of milk , 3/4thcup of sugar , 2 tbsp corn flour, 2 tbsp cocoa powder . Cook in low heat and keep stirring till thick . Switch off heat and add 1tsp vanilla essence and 150 gms of chopped dark chcolate or milk chocolate. Mix till chocolate melts. Let cool and mix in a cup of whipped cream.

To assemble fill the tart shells with chocolate filling or whipped cream and decorate with grated chocolate or mango slices. U can also add broken oreo pcs on top of the chocolate filling.

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