Miracle Booti

I have always shared finger licking recipes that u guys have loved alhamdolillah.
Today i thought of sharing this fakki that has worked wonders for many family members.

Made with just 3 ingredients , this fakki helps reducing swelling , body pain , waah problems , helps reduce weight , and helps cure alot of diseases .

To make this , firstly clean 200 gm methi dana , 100 gm ajwain , 50 gm kali jeeri ( kaali zeeri has alot of small dust and stone particles , make sure to take time and clean it well otherwise the dirt will create problems instead of giving benefits ) roast each ingredient separately just till slight fragrance comes , let cool and grind everything together . Mix and store in an airtight container or jar .

Eat 1 tsp evry night with lukewarm water .
Have this for a month atleast and im sure u guys are gonna pray for me in sha Allah.

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