
Mango Lassi

Another simple and must make recipe i make 2 versions of this , thick lassi and thin . Heres how to make both.

For the thin regular version … in a blender blend together 2 chopped mangoes , 2 cups dahi , half cup mill, 5 tbsp sugar and ice . Blend together into a fine paste and serve immediately, or chill in the fridge to serve later .

Thick version . This one is more like yogurt icecream and my fave version. Grind together 2 mangoes to a fine paste , take 2 cups dahi in a big bowl , add the mango paste , 4 tbsp powdered sugar and just beat well with a whisk or fork. Keep in freezer for half hour . Fill in glasses and top with some chopped mango and sliced nuts. Serve chilled with a spoon ( its super thick)

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