Chocolate / Nutella / Bavarian Creme Filled Donuts

Some recipes just call for a basic recipe along with different fillings or toppings . Just like this one , if you just know how to make the basic donut dough , u can make literally over a 100 combinations out of it . So i feel its no use to make 1 recipe into many divisions and just fill my insta page or my cookbook .
Get perfect with the basics and then feel free to experiment with fillings and frostings, here are my 3 fave fillings.

For the basic donut dough….. In a bowl mix , 2.5 cup maida , 1/4th cup powdered sugar , 2 tsp yeast , 2 pinch salt. Keep aside.
Now in a big bowl mox mix together , 3/4th cup warm milk ( not too hot or it will kill the yeast and not too cool that it doesn’t ferment the yeast ) mix 1.5 tbsp melted butter , 1.5 tbsp oil,1 egg . Mix well and keep adding the flour mix little at a time and keep kneading . If you have a stand mixer to knead dough than use that . Or simply workout both ur hands to knead the dough for atleast 15-20 mins. ( cummon we are strong woman we can do this )
Now cover ur bowl with cling wrap and put in the fridge for 1 hour.
After 1 hour punch down the dough that has increased in size and take a ball of dough (about the size we take for chapati ) and slightly roll it with light hands to a medium thick (not very thick ) circle . Put a dollop of nutella or chocolate ganache ( use my recipe of ganache using 2 parts of chocolate n 1 part cream) put 1 more thick roti over this and cut from the centre with the help of a glass . ( the edges automatically get sealed coz of the pressure from glass ) keep the extra dough aside . ( u can later use it to make more donuts in the end )
Keep all prepared donuts on a lightly greased surface and keep aside for around 45 mins .
Deep fry donuts in medium hot oil ( put the donut in the oil and turn it after 10 sec , then let each side cook till golden )
Let cool slightly and sprinkle powdered sugar with the help of a seive . Enjoy
For the Bavarian filling (my fave) .. make custard with half liter milk, half cup sugar and 2 tbsp custard powder. Let cool and mix in 1 cup whipped cream.

To make the Bavarian version u have to roll thick donuts and fry .let cool and Then stuff it with the Bavarian cream with the help of a piping bag and nossle. Finally sprinkle powdered sugar with the help of a seive. Njoyyyy.

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