Burger From Heaven

For me if a burger falls from heaven it would definitely be something sweet . In this heavenly burger we have donut as the bun , icecream as the Pattie , kiwi as the lettuce , strawberry as tomato pineapple as cheese slice and some sweetened cream as mayo. . And how can we forget French fries . Any burger is incomplete without fries so here we have some heavenly apple fries to go along with our burger. ❤For the donut…. in a bowl mix half cup lukewarm milk , 1.5 tsp yeast , 2 tbsp powdered sugar , 1 egg , 1 tbsp maida . Mix well and cover and let ferment for 10 min.
In a big bowl seive 2 cups maida and add 1 tsp vanilla essence and mix in 2 tbsp melted butter , mix well with hands to get crumb like texture . Then add the fermented batter and knead well for at least 5-7 min to get a soft dough . The more u knead the better . Cover and keep for 15 min. Roll the dough to a thick round and cut donuts with help of a glass . Sprinkle some maida in a tray and keep the donuts far from each other. Brush some oil on the donut and cover and let it ferment for 1.5 hrs till double in size . Fry on low heat till golden. And let cool ❤For sweetened cream , just mix a little powdered sugar to amul cream or whip cream. ❤For the Apple fries , peel and cut apple to fingers , sprinkle some cornflour and toss . Fry till golden.
❤ slice the donut into 2 pcs . Apply a little honey on the top part of donut and sprinkle little til . This gives more realistic effect of burger bun .
Slice some chocolate icecream and put on the bun and put some sliced kiwi and strawberry on top . Put a slice of pineapple and  put a spoon of sweetened cream. And cover the bun and secure with a toothpick.
Serve the burger along with Apple fries and some sweetened cream . Just like a happy meal right from heaven😋

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