
Choco Almond Cake

For the cake….. In a bowl  put half cup of milk and mix in 1 tsp vinager and keep aside (this is your buttermilk)
In a big bowl mix together half cup of oil (I use normal sunflower oil), 1 cup maida , 1 cup castor or powderd sugar ,1 tsp baking soda ,half tsp baking powder, half cup cocoa powder ,1egg , half tsp salt , 1 tsp vanilla essence , the half cup of buttermilk we made previously , and half cup of hot coffee ( boil half cup of water with 1 tsp coffee powder and add it boiling hot) just beat everything together and bake in preheated oven at 250° for 20-25 min or till done. Note that all ovens differ in temperature and baking time . You know your oven more than me so bake accordingly . Let the cake cool well be for you cut layers . This is a moist cake if u cut it while it’s warm it will break.

For the sugar syrup …. boil half cup sugar with half cup water till sugar is completely melted .

For the ganache filling and frosting …. on a big bowl .cut 500 gm dark chocolate into small pcs and pour 500 gm hot amul cream on top (just heat in a vessel till you can see it boiling from the sides) let rest for a minute . Mix well with a spatula till the cream and chocolate is well combined.
For assembling … put first layer of cake and drizzle sugar syrup generously. Spread a layer of ganache and sprinkle chopped roasted almonds . Repeat this process again with second layer . Cover the cake with third layer and drizzle sugar syrup. Cover the entire cake with  a thin layer of ganache . Put in freezer for half hour . Then coat again with ganache . (This helps get a evenly finished layer of ganache overall) coat the sides with chopped roasted almonds and decorate the top as you like.
Keep it in the fridge for 4-5hrs minimum. Remove half hour b4 serving.
Ps. This makes a cake weighing slightly above 1 kg approximately . The cake in my pic weighs more than 3kg . Just multiply all quantities of u want a bigger cake.

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